Try Not To Laugh: The Penelope Gomez X Factor Audition 🤣

The single most powerful method I have discovered to induce overwhelming happiness and uncontrollable laughter is (by far) Penelope Gomez. The wonderful Penelope, from Barcelona, visited the X Factor UK in 2005 to audition. The truth is, Penelope actually has a very nice voice, but there was something a little funny in her delivery that got Simon to crack, then Sharon and Louis. Once they start laughing, they cannot stop, and the entire audition goes right off the rails.

What makes the video so powerful is not just Sharon Osborne’s uncontrollable fit of laughter (“I’m gonna pee myself” she says at one point), but it’s actually Penelope’s loveliness. She laughs right along with the judges and remains calm and gracious.

After laughing through the entire audition, Sharon and Louis insist they were very entertained and send her through to the next round, despite Simon Cowell’s objections. What this afforded us, however, is just a snippet from round two of auditions, in which Penelope is back, serenading us with “Unbreak My Heart.” As you can see in the video, Sharon is once again reduced to uncontrollable laughter, which also causes Penelope to laugh, and this is the last time we are to hear from the lovely Penelope.

Penelope’s loveliness has inspired online fan clubs and social media pages, but no one is really sure whatever came of the beloved auditionee. In any event, if you are ever in need of instant laughter and happiness, be sure to check out Penelope. She does not disappoint!